Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My out...

Seriously. I must confess.  I have just a few addictions:  On the top of the list is; Chocolate.  Since when does a person decide it's a must to HIDE chocolate? It's not like nobody could find it, it's cleverly hidden just inside the island door , nobody really looks there except my hubby, and well he's my number one sabatuer anyway bringing Oreos, chips, ice cream around these parts when I'm training. He KNOWS I have a chocolate weakness and his comment is: " where is your will power to say no?  I'm helping you find willpower"? Wha? Mmmm hmmm! Another addiction is  coffee.   I  must have coffee otherwise;  talk to the hand until I get it. Imagine a woman with messy hair & coffee, that is me; so just hand the coffee over.  The other addictions I have are; twitter and Facebook although I'm decreasingly interested in Facebook, and find myself a Twitter fool. I AM a social media goddess, my husband has no idea just how lucky he is!   The final addiction, well it's more like a fever that lingers; It's RUNNING.  It's that adrenaline rush just signing up for the race... initially; then every time I run I'm getting that adrenaline rush over and over.
Today I'm signing up for my very first marathon, my first marathon with my running partner aka ninja too, @
I'm so glad we started running together. Although she gives me all the credit, it's her young butt that keeps me motivated. I look forward to our runs to talk about our husbands, yes behind their backs, talk about our kids and life in general. She is my source of socialization with an adult, that has young children that I can relate to.  I also have other friends that I socialize with,  one at work, another friend who's son has been around since daycare days; but Kelly is my running BFF; the one that I connect with on every level; including running. It's funny that I've known Kelly for 11-12 years and never KNEW she was a runner, yay for me! I can't even begin to tell you how I would possibly run without her and our ninja moves kicking each marathon in the ass; one by one.


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