Simply put by C.S. Lewis.
If I could make my oldest son, who is 22 years old, see that the bumps and hitches in the road are not meant to destroy him, they are there to guide him and make him a better person. The reality of all the struggles in life is; if there were no struggles, then there would be nothing to WIN at or TRIUMPH over, and there would be no VICTORY or that sense of accomplishment. One day I hope he learns what this sentence means; in the mean time I cannot compare my self to him with my past struggles; and I cannot say "I've been there done that", I just have to keep my mouth shut and watch him struggle...because this in essence is what he wants, me to be quiet and listen and let him, and make his own mistakes. This is the hardest thing as a mother to do...I have to remind myself that I cannot possibly fix the things he struggles with, and keep telling him what to do. He will need to figure this all out on his own, and if he wants my advice, then I will give it to him. In the meantime; I will try to be quiet.
You are such a great mom!