When life gets in the way, I sometimes feel totally overwhelmed and do not feel I can run, or feel that I can put my self ahead of everyone else in my house hold; but it's really not that life gets in the way, it's that I don't often find time to run and make excuses NOT to run sometimes. I can't believe the amount of procrastinating that I do. I need to take the words that I told my oldest son to heart; because if nothing else; he is JUST like me. I told him that I was unhappy that he has become complacent in his living arrangements; which is to live with us, and have his daddy time with his daughter at our house. Don't get me wrong I love my oldest, who is 22, and I love my granddaughter with all my heart; but it gets a little old not to be able to come home, do what I need to do, like run, or just plain unwind after a day of work before my 6 year old son gets off the bus. Those words hit me like a ton of bricks after I re-read it. I am complacent in my life, of letting our 6 year old sleep with me, and go to bed when he does, and not give my husband the time of day; I run when I get home or when my husband gets home, and if it's after 6 I just don't run. WHAT?
It's time for change; I'm going to shake things up in my own "world". I orginally started getting up at 5:00 a.m. to run; but found myself rooted to my couch with my cup of coffee watching the morning news until 6:00 a.m., this has been going on for at least a year...what? yes, I'm lazy. I do run to a training plan, and I will when I have to run, but I give nothing else. It's time for change; so when I start getting up at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning; I am going straight to my work out clothes and doing cross-training on off days of running, and then on days I am supposed to run, I'm going to run instead of sitting on the couch having my 1 hour of peace.
As many of you know, I follow Shut up + Run, I love her blogs and I shared this morning what Beth blogged about; a virtual run for Sherry Arnold on February 11th. I will be running, whether it be by myself or with my running partner I will be running in honor of Sherry Arnold. I don't know Sherry and I don't know Beth but I feel like I do and feel like I lost a member of my family. The news of Sherry's dissappearance and murder ROCKED my world; so much so, that I will not run by myself again. My husband thinks I'm crazy and that I am OKAY to run by myself where we live. We too live in a small town, and although I am not scared to run by myself out in the country; I'm sure Sherry was not either. I can't fathom not ever seeing my husband or my children again, so it's either running on the "dreadmill" (treadmill), or running with people. I may occasionally have to run by myself, so Mr. Pepper spray or the neighbor's dog will be running with me. I thank God every day for my neighbor who every time see's me go out for a run, makes sure I come back. Thank you God for my neighbor.
I'll keep you posted on my training, my next race in May, the Indianapolis 500 mini marathon.
Tomorrow is shake it up day, I'm going to get my butt in gear and start doing what I need to in the morning and then there will not be any excuses!
just notes about my running and training for my first Marathon; and normal every day hitches I have to get out the door or on the treadmill to train. many people have these distractions and life complications....
Monday, January 30, 2012
virtual run for Sherry Arnold
This is shared by Shut up + Run: Please read and share.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Virtual Run for Sherry Arnold- February 11, 2012
On January 7, 2012, my cousin Sherry, age 43, left her house in the small town of Sidney, Montana at 6:30 a.m. for an early morning run. She didn’t always run in the morning because as a teacher, it was often difficult to fit in runs before she headed to Sidney High School to teach math. January 7 was a Saturday, however, and Sherry had a bit more time to spare. After her run she planned to meet her sister, Rhonda, and head out to their parent’s ranch a few miles outside of town. Her husband, Gary, had gone for a walk at 5:30 a.m. and when he returned home he could tell that Sherry had already left for her run by the splatters of her toothpaste in the sink and her coffee mug on the counter.
Sherry often ran within the town limits and January 7 was no exception. When Sherry did not come home later that morning, however, her husband began to worry. He called the police and a search ensued. By 3:00 p.m. hundreds of volunteers were searching for Sherry and only one clue had been found, Sherry’s right Brook’s running shoe.
My aunt called to tell me that “something bad had happened in Montana.” As the details unfolded, a weight sat in the pit of my stomach. I hoped for the best, but feared the worst. Please find her. Please bring her home.
For several days there was no sign of Sherry. On the seventh day, a tip was received on the FBI’s tip line that led to the arrest of two men, one in North Dakota and one in South Dakota. One of the men confessed to killing Sherry. She had been abducted at 6:40 a.m., only about a mile from her house.
Sherry’s body has not yet been found.
Sherry’s traumatic and heinous death has shocked, angered and saddened her small community. On a much larger scale, it has also rocked the running world from coast to coast and abroad. How could something so random, violent and senseless happen to someone so giving, someone loved by so many?
We have so many emotions. As mothers, runners, and teachers, we fear it could have been us. Our hearts break for her students, her family, her community. We feel things we don’t know how to express and we cry for someone who we have never met. We hope she did not suffer and we hope that she found peace in her final moments. The human connection often feels deepest during tragedy. These past three weeks this connection has been alive, pulsing and powerful. The goodness has poured out of each and every one of you, demonstrating that good overpowers evil.
Many of you have told me that you have dedicated your runs and races to Sherry. I have talked about wanting to do a planned virtual run in her honor. Her family has given me their blessing and Races 2 Remember has so generously donated their time to creating a running bib for Sherry.

My goal is to get the MOST love, momentum and energy moving in honor of Sherry. This run symbolizes the beginning if healing and honors a woman who was courageous, strong and loved by so many.
For those of us in the Denver/Boulder/Longmont area I will be organizing a group run at the Boulder Reservoir that morning. I hope we can get a huge clan together and make the earth MOVE!! Stay tuned.
You may have noticed a “donate” button on my side bar. If it is within your means, please consider a donation to Sherry’s family. The funds will go to Sherry’s children, Holly and Jason.
A version of this post and information about the virtual run will appear on the Runner’s World Other Voices blog later this week.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring about Sherry and her family and for running in her honor.
Sherry often ran within the town limits and January 7 was no exception. When Sherry did not come home later that morning, however, her husband began to worry. He called the police and a search ensued. By 3:00 p.m. hundreds of volunteers were searching for Sherry and only one clue had been found, Sherry’s right Brook’s running shoe.
My aunt called to tell me that “something bad had happened in Montana.” As the details unfolded, a weight sat in the pit of my stomach. I hoped for the best, but feared the worst. Please find her. Please bring her home.
For several days there was no sign of Sherry. On the seventh day, a tip was received on the FBI’s tip line that led to the arrest of two men, one in North Dakota and one in South Dakota. One of the men confessed to killing Sherry. She had been abducted at 6:40 a.m., only about a mile from her house.
Sherry’s body has not yet been found.
Sherry’s traumatic and heinous death has shocked, angered and saddened her small community. On a much larger scale, it has also rocked the running world from coast to coast and abroad. How could something so random, violent and senseless happen to someone so giving, someone loved by so many?
We have so many emotions. As mothers, runners, and teachers, we fear it could have been us. Our hearts break for her students, her family, her community. We feel things we don’t know how to express and we cry for someone who we have never met. We hope she did not suffer and we hope that she found peace in her final moments. The human connection often feels deepest during tragedy. These past three weeks this connection has been alive, pulsing and powerful. The goodness has poured out of each and every one of you, demonstrating that good overpowers evil.
Many of you have told me that you have dedicated your runs and races to Sherry. I have talked about wanting to do a planned virtual run in her honor. Her family has given me their blessing and Races 2 Remember has so generously donated their time to creating a running bib for Sherry.
The virtual run will be on Saturday, February 11 at 9 a.m. MST.
- Mark your calendars
- Print out a running bib and pin it to your shirt
- Gather your friends, your running club members, your families
- If it’s wet where you are, “laminate” your bib with postage tape and punch holes in it
- If that time doesn’t work, go when you can
- GO. Run as far and as long as you want. Walk, hike, cycle, rollerblade if you don’t want to or can’t run.
- Please share this on your blogs, Facebooks and Twitters
- Keep it simple. Just run with Sherry on your minds and hearts.
Click HERE to print the bib
If it feels right, please blog about your run and let me know. I’m going to post links to those posts so her family and friends can read them. If you take pictures, send them to be at beth@shutupandrun.net so that I can post them here.My goal is to get the MOST love, momentum and energy moving in honor of Sherry. This run symbolizes the beginning if healing and honors a woman who was courageous, strong and loved by so many.
For those of us in the Denver/Boulder/Longmont area I will be organizing a group run at the Boulder Reservoir that morning. I hope we can get a huge clan together and make the earth MOVE!! Stay tuned.
You may have noticed a “donate” button on my side bar. If it is within your means, please consider a donation to Sherry’s family. The funds will go to Sherry’s children, Holly and Jason.
A version of this post and information about the virtual run will appear on the Runner’s World Other Voices blog later this week.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring about Sherry and her family and for running in her honor.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
life gets in the way....
Literally; CRAP. I am sitting here minding my own business, looking at my blogs, and in walks someone and distracts me and I deleted my very first blog...well CRAP.
Anyway, I have decided that instead of planning on running when I get home today as scheduled, by my training plan, I'm just going to wing it and not stress out about it. I tweeted that today, yes, I even have a twitter account, my 4th obsession behind, coffee, facebook and chocolate. My oldest son, thinks it's "gay" as he says, that I have a twitter account, and that I'm too old; but I tweeted today that I'm just going to roll with the punches, and if I get an oppotunity to run, then I will run on the "dreadmill". Yes, the dreadmill since my husband, is working later, I have no way to run outside. :( So now when my youngest gets home, I help with home work, play with him, make dinner and if there is time I run; and instead of at 6 pm when my husband usually gets home and I can breathe a sigh of relief, it's now it's 7pm. This really puts a cramp in my routine, and I don't like running after 6 pm. I'm not sure if it's because it's in my mind or because I'm just tired, or my way of making an excuse not to run...Me? NO WAY. I think I need some chocolate.
stay tuned...
Anyway, I have decided that instead of planning on running when I get home today as scheduled, by my training plan, I'm just going to wing it and not stress out about it. I tweeted that today, yes, I even have a twitter account, my 4th obsession behind, coffee, facebook and chocolate. My oldest son, thinks it's "gay" as he says, that I have a twitter account, and that I'm too old; but I tweeted today that I'm just going to roll with the punches, and if I get an oppotunity to run, then I will run on the "dreadmill". Yes, the dreadmill since my husband, is working later, I have no way to run outside. :( So now when my youngest gets home, I help with home work, play with him, make dinner and if there is time I run; and instead of at 6 pm when my husband usually gets home and I can breathe a sigh of relief, it's now it's 7pm. This really puts a cramp in my routine, and I don't like running after 6 pm. I'm not sure if it's because it's in my mind or because I'm just tired, or my way of making an excuse not to run...Me? NO WAY. I think I need some chocolate.
stay tuned...
I run for Chocolate Does 11 Randonms
SUAR sent me this:
Here are the rules:
1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people!
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them
6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people!
My Questions for you unlucky tagged people:
- In five words or less, tell me your most embarrassing moment: a fart came out as I was scrubbed into a surgical case waiting on the doctor to come in the room; frantic there was nothing I could do; he walked right into it! argh.
- What’s one habit you need to break? letting my son sleep with me
- What’s your favorite book of all time? any patricia cornwell books
- Have you ever cheated on a test or a partner (don’t need to tell me which one)? yes
- If you weren’t doing your current job, what would be your profession? probably stuck working for my uncle selling truck parts.
- Do you think Bob Harper is gay? tough question; but yes, I think so.
- What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? my son telling me I'm the most beautiful mommy ever.
- Would you be able to run further or faster? further...
- What food gives you gas? everything according to my friends; beans, onions, and all veggies. :)
- Ever done a cleanse or had a colonic? Never.
- What’s your dream marathon? Boston Marathon (well I think it's my hubby's dream for me to run the Boston so we can go visit).
There. Done. Did you learn anything about me?
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